
Tuesday 17 December 2013

Final Cut Pro is Dead….Long live…..something else

So it's finally happened.

I now make more money as an Avid editor than a FCP editor.


I fought against Avid for so many years, banging on about how great FCP was and now I am a god damn turn coat.

It does feel strange. It does feel like I backed the wrong horse. This must have been what it was like for people with BetaMax players and Atari STs.

I knew this day would come at some point. I'm still using FCPX at home, but none of the post houses I work for are going anywhere near it. A few have adopted Premiere, but not many. Some are still running FCP, but most seem to be moving to Avid.

Now where did I put that Edit Droid?

Monday 16 December 2013

Global effects disable

One of the things that's been biting me with my current project is the lack of a global 'turn effects off' toggle. With Neat Video or FilmConvert slammed on a clip (occasionally both) trimming operations are painful, which results in a lot of clicking to disable effects, edit, then re-enable effects.

Ignore the stuff about 'complex clips' – that's the pre-10.0.6 way of doing compound clips which, if you remember, led to so many problems that (a.) people like me avoid compound clips to this day out of some weird folk memory of how bad things were, and (b.) the new way, which suffers basically none of the problems, was introduced.

But that layering technique in compound clips? That's genius.

Hmm. It does mean a bucketload of clicking if you want to adjust effects, though.